3 Pillars of Youth Sports

80% of kids quit sports by age 12...

Sport is an undeniably great medium for injecting life lessons into our kids

The lessons I learned playing sports as a kid laid a foundation for the character I carry today as a 32 year old man. I am beyond grateful to have had parents who “got it” and optimized my experience for character development above all else.

I’m striving to give the same to my kids & the kids I coac.

I want to help you do the same.

Unfortunately, 80% of kids quit sports by age 12..

.. robbing them of the opportunity to continue playing a game they once loved

.. and to further build their character through it.

My goal is for us to fix this issue moving forward.

In youth sports, only 3 things matter (in this order!):

  1. Love of the Game

  2. Character Development

  3. Skill Progression

Follow me on this….

If we make sports fun..

they maintain and grow their love of the game

they want to play

they want to practice

they practice on their own in the back yard

they're engaged

meaning they actually care when coach talks

because they care about the game and want to get better

so they listen to the character development stuff

we teach them about how to work hard

how to practice hard

how to be a great team mate

how to respond to adversity and failure

how to compete and win

which makes it more fun, by the way,

and because they're having fun

and they want to come back

and they understand how to work hard

and how to practice hard

and how to work as a team

and how to compete

Aad how to learn from mistakes

then the output of all of that

Is them getting better at the game!

and then…


as they get better at the game

the game becomes more fun

because everything is more fun when you get better at it

and because they’re having more fun

they play longer

providing more opportunity to build character

which ultimately makes them better at the game

and the cycle continues….

… it’s a beautifully vicious cycle

and that is my mini manifesto on youth sports.

Check out the episode & email me with any questions you have.

From the front,

🤟 BWall